The Resource Builder actually has two modes:
- A mode where you create a new resource. This is the view shown above, and is displayed by selecting the ‘new’ button to the upper left. This mode will be the subject of this page.
- A mode that allows you to browse the resources that have been created for a particular patient, and is selected by clicking the ‘resources’ button to the upper left. We won’t talk about that here (there’s another page for that) – and it’s quite likely that this function will be split out into its own component as clinFHIR matures.
Alongside these buttons at the top of the screen is a toolbar with a number of controls in it. Let’s take a look at these. From the left to the right:
- The ‘clear’ button will delete the current resource you are creating, and reset everything so you can start again. It’s useful when you are just playing around, or have made a big mess and just want to start again. (Actually, restarting the application is another option)
- The ‘core resource definitions’ contains a drop down of the base FHIR resources (at least as they are currently – they’ll change over time). Here is where you select the type of resource you want to create.
- ‘Profiled resource definitions’ are where you can select a resource that has been ‘profiled’ – or altered to suit a particular use case. Profiling is going to be really important in FHIR. We won’t be using that for now – but we will later!
- ‘Parked resources’ – and the associated ‘select parked’ button are where the resources that are only partly built can be retrieved. This page describes parked resources.
- The list icon shows a history of all parked resources. Also described on the parked resources page.